Best fallout 76 image
Best fallout 76 image

best fallout 76 image

There are, admittedly, some shots where this works - this is a wasteland, after all. It's a fine way to document the wasteland and its many inhabitants, but when it comes to the loading screens the overabundance of blood and corpses isn't actually reflective of my time in the game, just a side effect of how it's built. So, usually, I've been stuck with capturing the models that are still - the dead ones. Sometimes you can chase around a frog for several minutes to get a lucky snap, but it's still poorly framed and from a weird angle: Plus, getting into the photo mode at all requires two button presses, so there's absolutely no chance of catching a shot right where you need it. You can't just pop open the camera to have everything stop in place. But unlike Odyssey, 76's world is online, meaning it's constantly moving. This is a common starting point for me, most recently replicated in Assassin's Creed Odyssey. My first several hours playing this game have mostly been wandering around taking photos. It doesn't exactly make for great memories, but it's not my fault! Let me explain myself. A lot of them are just pictures of dead things. Except that oftentimes my pictures aren't cool moments. Having a little reminder of a past moment while you're stuck not doing anything else is a nice way of reflecting on cool stuff that's happened in the game.

best fallout 76 image

You’ll have to sit through an extra loading screen though.Overall I'm a huge fan of Fallout 76's loading screens, which often select a picture that you've taken in the photo mode to display as you're waiting. If you’re over in The Mire and you want to go back to The Forest or Ash Heap regions of Appalachia, travelling to your CAMP first - as long as it’s closer to your destination - will reduce the cost.


This means that you can offload all of your junk and more importantly, it’s completely free to travel to your CAMP. If your CAMP is toward the centre of Appalachia, like the Whitesprings Golf Club, make sure you’re always fast travelling to your CAMP first, then on to wherever it is you want to go. Build on The Whitespring Resort for a free defence system As long as the ground is flat-ish, isn't overlapping with any other build areas, and you have some resources to spend on rebuilding your CAMP, you're good to go. Hallelujah. When you get to your desired destination just go back into the blueprint section of your build menu, select the blueprint you've made, then pick where you want your CAMP to be. So if you discover a new location that’s way closer to a ton of glorious Junk or just fancy moving to a remote part of the map where no-one can find you, you can pack up and go in the blink of an eye. Thanks to that blueprint your CAMP will remember exactly where they are, which means that when you put down your CAMP somewhere new you won't lose any of your progress. In your building menu simply go into the Blueprint section, then select all the structures you want to save to a blueprint.

best fallout 76 image

Thankfully when you decide to move your CAMP around you don’t have to wave goodbye to your beautifully-planned bunker.

Best fallout 76 image